Wednesday, December 31, 2008


No big plans for tonight. We were all going to hang out and play games and watch Space Chimps till Midnight but Syd is complaining of an ear ache and it is hurting her a lot. So she is medicated, heat pad, and sleeping in momma's bed. Gabby is watching Space Chimps and I am having my yearly drink a nice glass of wine. Hope everyone is having a wonderful new years eve. Stay safe.

Saturday, December 27, 2008


Photo link

Christmas was wonderful. The girls had a great time. I have not downloaded the photos yet. It has been a bit crazy the last few days. The girls are having fun playing with all their new toys and stuff. They really like their bean bags they got. Syd and Gab both enjoy sitting in them to read or watch tv. Photos will follow shortly I have not downloaded them yet.

We spent Christmas Eve here with Eric. It was nice we made dinner and the girls opened one gift. Eric and I went to Kmart after and picked up a few minor things we forgot like a mini digital wrist camera for Sydney. We were a bit uneven on the gifts when we wrapped them after the girls went to bed.

On Christmas morning we had a blast the girls were thrilled and got me up at 5 am and Syd got G up at 730ish I tried to let her sleep but you can only keep kids at bay so long. We all went to David's house after 12 and got to see G's family.

I took Erelene back to SC on the 26th and as G says I am very very lucky. She says my dad was watching out for me. I guess so. I have been on some medicine and it was apparently still in my system. On the way home I hit an 18 wheeler. I apparently was unaware and drifted out of my lane and I was able to compensate after my side view mirror broke off. The 18 wheeler had no clue and did not stop I pulled over and noticed where the tires to the truck had been against the cars front fender, the side view mirror was broken, the door handle is scraped and a little dented. But I only got some whip lash, my shoulders and neck are a bit sore but other than that I am lucky if my front had gone any further under the truck I would not be writing tonight.

I will attach the kids photos soon. Hope everyone had a great Christmas.

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Big Week for the Kids

What a week for the girls. Sunday they had their church play. Sydney was Mrs. McCleary the servant girl with a few lines and Gabby was a church member with a lot of singing to do. It was a great success. This year we had our play at night 5 pm and it was great. After the play I took the youth group and my girls to Stone Mountain for the Christmas display they had a blast.

Monday night Gabby had her first trip to Fantasy in Lights at Calloway Gardens. We all froze but it was fun. The girls had two jackets on each and two hats so they did not completly freeze. Check out the photos below.

Tonight, Tuesday is Santa and a Movie at Church. Put on by the youth group. They have some time with Santa and than we will be watching Polar Express.

And of course Christmas Eve we will be going to get Aunt Erlene and than having dinner here at the house with Eric. He will be spending Christmas with us this year. Keep him in your prayers this is his first Christmas with out his mother.

We hope that everyone has a very, very, very wonderful holiday seasons. Remember we are blessed with a lot that we sometimes overlook.

Katie, Syd, and Gabby on the ride through Fantasy of Lights
I did not take many photos since it was really cold. Kept my hands in my jacket

But the girls liked the teddy bear

Gabby had a wonderful time as you can seeThe three __________________(you can fill in the blank)Aiden sat with Suzie and Roy in front of these not so quiet and excited children

They met Frosty while at the lights

They got to sit on a bench with G inside a warm tent

We are waiting to see Santa.... He was cool.

Gabby was a church member in the play. She sang the hymns with the rest of the people and did great

Sydney was Mrs. Mc Cleary in the Church Christmas Play. She was the servant to the old man who stole everything from the Church Christmas Eve. She did a good job on her lines.

Saturday, December 13, 2008

Stone Mountain 12 12 08

The girls at Stone Mountain

The girls went to Stone Mountain Friday night to see the Christmas decorations and Santa. Here are some photos of their visit.

Monday, November 24, 2008

The Girls' school photos for October 2008

Here are the girls' school photos. Both are growing up so fast. Seems like time is so crazy this school year. Probably because I am taking my own classes but good news I should be done by April if I pass my comps. I have 2 weeks left to this semester and than two classes and comps and I am done and will have my ED.S.

Hope everyone has a wonderful Thanksgiving. Depending on if I am feeling better we are supposed to go to Auburn for the day. But I have been sick all day (figures I am off work this week). The girls are both home and watching movies (they both have coughs as well). Cold season oh joy.

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Going to the State Competition

We have just found out that Sydney Won the Reflections for Kindergarten for Gwinnett County Public Schools. She is not off to the state competition. We should be receiving the info. this week as to when and where it will be held. We are Praying for Atlanta. I am tired of traveling.... and need some down time.

We will keep you informed as to what happens

Linda and I are preparing our presentation for the conference in Feb. Seems like it keeps growing. We are presenting our after school program, the computer lab program, and now the IPOD/MP3 player program. We will see how the program goes......................

Sunday, October 26, 2008

Early Halloween for the Girls

They met up with Eli at the downtown trick or treating. They rode the hay ride together. Sydney was dressed as Gabriella from high school musical ( Syd got to spray her hair black (Nasty) Gabby went as the dark cheerleading Bratz girls

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Disc Golf

Well, I picked Syd up from school today since Gab and me are off. We went over to Lenora Park and played 11 holes of disc golf. 11 to them is like 22 to most people. They did great but after 120 throws for Gabby and 96 for Sydney they decided to call it a day. But it was a lot of fun. Anyone who wants to come with us next time is welcome to.

I start back to class tomorrow. I just found out one of my classes was cancelled which puts a damper on my plans of being done by April unless I can get into another class this semester. We shall see.

Gabby is starting to read on her own which is great. Sydney wants to learn sign language so I printed her some study cards. This may be because I use a few words of sign language with her and she wants to learn it.

The girls and I have been busy we have been putting books on to sell for extra money for the kids to do all their activities. We finally got all of them on. We have sold about 15 so far. We have another 107 books on the site. It is unbelievable how many books ones accumulates

Monday, October 20, 2008


Not that I have free time with school and everything. But it looks like Linda and I are presenting at the 21st Annual At-Risk Youth National Forum in South Carolina in Febuary. Linda is the 9th grade graduation coach at the high school. She and I have worked together to put an after school program in place that works on students organizational skills, test taking skills, and homework assistance/missing work.
The program has been in effect for four weeks and approx. 6 students who were slated to go to academic intercession no longer have to go since they are passing their classes. It is very successful and growing in popularity with the students. I call it the get the monkey off your back program/web site.

Here is the issue. I have to present in front of a very large audience......I am used to students and faculty at my school, but an audience of peers from across the country..... Can we say Oh my...... Maybe I will be ill and not go.

Saturday, October 18, 2008

Loganville Festival

Today, I took the girls to the Loganville Street Festival
They had a blast, they got to jump on the inflatables, ate pizza, dropped pizza on the ground and ate more pizza. Gabby and I got our hair cut free at a new place that was at the festival. They did a great job and all it cost was a tip... Both girls got their hair done (if that is what you call it by the Trinity Church in Loganville booth. They got to hear some live music, dance, and see lots of people. Gabby got a heart painted on her face and Sydney had Myra put a AU sign. Myra is a student at my school who I coached last year. Great kid.