Monday, November 24, 2008

The Girls' school photos for October 2008

Here are the girls' school photos. Both are growing up so fast. Seems like time is so crazy this school year. Probably because I am taking my own classes but good news I should be done by April if I pass my comps. I have 2 weeks left to this semester and than two classes and comps and I am done and will have my ED.S.

Hope everyone has a wonderful Thanksgiving. Depending on if I am feeling better we are supposed to go to Auburn for the day. But I have been sick all day (figures I am off work this week). The girls are both home and watching movies (they both have coughs as well). Cold season oh joy.

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Going to the State Competition

We have just found out that Sydney Won the Reflections for Kindergarten for Gwinnett County Public Schools. She is not off to the state competition. We should be receiving the info. this week as to when and where it will be held. We are Praying for Atlanta. I am tired of traveling.... and need some down time.

We will keep you informed as to what happens

Linda and I are preparing our presentation for the conference in Feb. Seems like it keeps growing. We are presenting our after school program, the computer lab program, and now the IPOD/MP3 player program. We will see how the program goes......................