Saturday, June 28, 2008

Summer is Half over already

Where does the time go. The summer is half over and work is coming around pretty quick. The girls are doing great. Gabby is working on her Kindergarten summer work she got from Ms. McCormick. Sydney and I are riding bikes about everyday. She has gotten really good this week. The girls are off to a birthday swimming party tomorrow morning. One of their friends from softball is having a pool party, than on Sunday Syd has her All-star party which is also a pool party. Water logged children....

Hey, look at me. I am a momma's girl........
The girls were so excited about their veggies today they couldn't wait to eat them and tried to eat them uncooked.... Pool hair
This is goofy Gabby. She has definately come out of her shell.
The girls were so excited tonight we had our first corn cob. It was small and could have stayed on the plant longer but we decided to try it and it was great. We are thinking that the other 10 or so cobs might be ready in a week or so (maybe more).

Thursday, June 26, 2008

Bike Riding and STUFF

Gabby came with us and rode her bike she now has Sydney's old bike. We have fun at the park every night riding around.

Sydney told G she wanted to be able to ride without training wheels. She practiced around the house for a little bit than off to the park we went. She and I rode around Lenora Park. The bike she is on is a bit small so she now has a nice 20" and we ride at the park every night.

Gabby is starting to work on the computer doing a little pbs kids and jump start. It is nice to see her try to learn and smile about it.

We have a few cantelope started. They are looking wonderful, we shall see what happens.

We are doing pretty well with our garden, we have lots of cucumbers and tomatoes, the yellow and green squash is doing alright. Our corn is growing, we have about ten cobs already started.

Not on your life Gabriella, you are way to young to drive. But momma I want to..

Sydney's last All-Star game of the season was a great one. They played Burford and the game came down to the bottom of the 5th inning and the other team won by one run. But the girls had fun. Abbey, Madision, and Sydney goofing off in the dugout.

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Last night's softball game and Stone Mountain tonight

Last night Sydney played North Gwinnett Blue All-Stars in a great game. It came down to the last inning and the other team won 15-14. tough loss for the girls but they played well. Sydney played great, she made some excellent plays at second base and had some good hits. Got a triple and hit in 4 runs. Tonight was youth group we all went to Stone Mountain for the laser show. It was the 25 year anniversary of the show so it was really nice the kids all had a good time and we had a lesson on friendship using Proverbs 19. It was a lot of fun.
Ashley and Alysia, Emma, David, and Sydney and Gabby went. We all went out for pizza first and than on to the park.

Emma and Gabby
Two best friends Ashley and Emma

My two had no problem making friends with the other kids. They got involved with a game

This was taken at Bogan Park on June 17 after Sydney softball game. It just looked so cool.

After the game the team played in the play area. Even though they are ball players they are still 6 and 7 year olds who love to play.. Sydney got her first real softball injury. The ball hit her in the knee and left the stitching impression. Tough little kid

Gabby had fun she got to stay in the dug out for the whole game.

Before the game. Getting ready to play

Silly child that is not how you put your shirt on.

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Last nights Ball Game

The girls were really excited to have an almost all home grown lunch today. They picked some lettuce, cucumber, yellow squash, and a tomato from their garden. They have two corn cobs have started so we hope to have corn soon as well. Sydney has an All-Star game tonight at 7pm at Mill Creek Park (Bogan Park in Burford). Come out and see. At worst they have one more game after tonight at best 7. Than Softball season is over. We play again Friday Night at 6pm or 7pm depending on if we win or loose tonight. Also for the high light of the summer. I have been summoned for jury duty.....I have no problem serving but do not want a long case.
Syd on third base after her triple. Way to go sport
Sydney running to third. tough little sportsgirl

At bat she got to hit four times in this high scoring game 20-21 (we lost)

Sydney's number 1 fan

Her top two fans...
The Shiloh All-Stars played an outstanding game lossing in the bottom of the 4th 20-21. What a game. Sydney got a triple and hit in a run or two. Gabby supported big sis by cheering her on.

Saturday, June 14, 2008


The beach at night. It was really nice.

When we got home today we got to pick our first ripe veggies. So tomorrow is grilled squash and tomatoes. We also have some cucumbers almost ready to pick, the corn has one or two cobbs started and lots of other veggies

This am the girls asked me to stop at a place called Shipwreck that we were told does ear piercings. Both of the girls got their ears done.

She thinks she is a big girl now.

you should have seen the fear on her face until she realized it did not hurt that bad.

The girls and I went to the maze Friday. I thought it was going to be pretty easy. Boy was I wrong. We were in there about an hour and only made two check points out of four.. The girls decided it was time to go so we took the Emergency exit/I give up door.

Come this way in the maze

Check out my new bathing suit. They got to play on their scooters on the hotel walk way.

Check out my new swim suit.

Gabby got sick and had to stay in on Thursday, she has a 103 fever she was not a happy camper. So Syd and I went and played. It rained on us so I being the wonderful mom that I am locked her out of the car and in the rain..... She thought it was funny OH well

We also went to an arcade and ate at Roy's (hotdog place.) Syd liked it because her uncle's name is Roy

Oh yea I am bad.

I had to do some school work so we went to the local Java shop with wireless access and had some coffee and internet. the girls went and had fun

At the beach at night

Hey, I am having fun

I took the girls to the Hidden race track and since they were both to small to drive I played driver to the kids as we rode the track. Syd likes speed a bit (no drivers license for her till she is 25)
Another day at the coffee shop. They had a fun vacation can't you tell Happy kids

At another arcade/ Thing one and Thing two

Our first visit to the coffee shop. They sat and read while I wrote a paper

Beach time on day two

Syd figured out if she used my board she could sit and ride the waves... Over and over again

The cool roller coaster ride at the arcade

Syd is so competative

G and the baby at the pool

Gabby is no longer the shy shy baby. She was jumping off the walls like Syd

They both had a lot of fun swimming. They spent lots of time in the water

Well we went on vacation this past week and had a great time. The kids got to do lots of really cool things and play in the ocean. They had a blast and to top off the vacation they both got their ears pierced today. Here are some photos of the kids and their week of fun.