Saturday, December 27, 2008


Photo link

Christmas was wonderful. The girls had a great time. I have not downloaded the photos yet. It has been a bit crazy the last few days. The girls are having fun playing with all their new toys and stuff. They really like their bean bags they got. Syd and Gab both enjoy sitting in them to read or watch tv. Photos will follow shortly I have not downloaded them yet.

We spent Christmas Eve here with Eric. It was nice we made dinner and the girls opened one gift. Eric and I went to Kmart after and picked up a few minor things we forgot like a mini digital wrist camera for Sydney. We were a bit uneven on the gifts when we wrapped them after the girls went to bed.

On Christmas morning we had a blast the girls were thrilled and got me up at 5 am and Syd got G up at 730ish I tried to let her sleep but you can only keep kids at bay so long. We all went to David's house after 12 and got to see G's family.

I took Erelene back to SC on the 26th and as G says I am very very lucky. She says my dad was watching out for me. I guess so. I have been on some medicine and it was apparently still in my system. On the way home I hit an 18 wheeler. I apparently was unaware and drifted out of my lane and I was able to compensate after my side view mirror broke off. The 18 wheeler had no clue and did not stop I pulled over and noticed where the tires to the truck had been against the cars front fender, the side view mirror was broken, the door handle is scraped and a little dented. But I only got some whip lash, my shoulders and neck are a bit sore but other than that I am lucky if my front had gone any further under the truck I would not be writing tonight.

I will attach the kids photos soon. Hope everyone had a great Christmas.

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